According to
PureScript is a small strongly, statically typed programming language with expressive types, written in and inspired by Haskell, and compiling to Javascript.
It’s fairly easy to get started with the grunt-init-purescript template
We will need grunt,grunt-init and bower to work with this PureScript template. Node is also a dependency because of this.
npm install -g grunt grunt-init bower
Then clone the template into a .grunt-init
folder using
mkdir ~/.grunt-initgit clone ~/.grunt-init/purescript
We also need the PureScript compiler, which we can grab with cabal:
cabal install purescript
We can now install dependencies from npm and bower. There’s
a decent amount to be excited about in the output including
, either
and maybe
to name a few.
npm installbower update
Then grunt when we want to build:
The template project is more of a library project, where the
tests are what we want to run if we cloned the repo. As
such, our Main
module is in tests/Test.purs
and can be
run using:
node tmp/index.js
after running grunt
to build the project.
To build an executable (a node.js scraper for example) we can make a few changes.
First, we’ll make some changes to our test file.
mv tests/Tests.purs tests/Test/Main.purs
and change the module name from Main
to Test.Main
. Also
change the Starter.Kit.Example
import to
Place two simple js files in js/
Now we will make a small modification to the Starter Kit file.
mv src/Starter/Kit/Example.purs src/Starter/Kit/Main.purs
and rename the module to Starter.Kit.Main
Finally make some modifications to the Gruntfile and run
module.exports = function(grunt) {"use strict";grunt.initConfig({libFiles: ["src/**/*.purs","bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.purs"],clean: ["tmp", "output"],pscMake: {lib: {src: [""]},tests: {src: ["tests/Test/Main.purs", ""]}},dotPsci: [""],copy: [{expand: true,cwd: "output",src: ["**"],dest: "tmp/node_modules/"},{expand: true,cwd: "js/",src: "**",dest: "tmp/",flatten: true}],execute: {tests: {src: "tmp/test.js"}}});grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-copy");grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-clean");grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-execute");grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-purescript");grunt.registerTask("test", ["pscMake:tests","copy","execute:tests"]);grunt.registerTask("make", ["pscMake:lib", "dotPsci"]);grunt.registerTask("default", ["clean", "make", "test"]);};