At the end of 2020 I wanted to count the words I'd written in approximately 171 posts (this is relevant because there's a magic number in the following script) I wrote through out the year. The following is that script ::law-and-order-bum-bum-sound::
const cheerio = require("cheerio");const bent = require("bent");var unified = require("unified");var parse = require("rehype-parse");var rehype2retext = require("rehype-retext");var english = require("retext-english");const stringify = require("rehype-stringify");const visit = require("unist-util-visit");let get = bent("", "GET", 200);main();let count = 0;function wordCount(opts) {return (ast) => {visit(ast, "WordNode", (node) => {count++;});};}async function main() {const t = await get("/garden");const html = await t.text();const $ = cheerio.load(html);const $thing = $("li > a.block");const hrefs = $, v) => $(v).attr("href")).slice(0, 171);let results = await Promise.all(Array.from(hrefs).map(async (v) => {console.log(v);const h = await get(v);const html = await h.text();const $ = cheerio.load(html);const divs = $("#toast-page-section > div > div");const the_html = $(divs[3]).html();return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {unified().use(parse).use(rehype2retext, unified().use(english).use(wordCount)).use(stringify).process(the_html, (err, file) => {console.log(err);resolve();});});}));console.log(count);}