70 %
Chris Biscardi

Building a Docker Registry

Containers are surging right now. This series of blog posts will explore a small corner of that universe by building a Docker Registry that adheres to the Docker Registry HTTP V2 API. The information contained in these posts will take a conceptual approach rather than a step-by-step approach. The code will be available in full on GitHub, as the Superhuman Registry.


For this project we'll use Haskell as the implementation language so that we can use Servant.

Servant is a set of packages for declaring web APIs at the type-level and then using those API specifications to:

  • write servers (this part of servant can be considered a web framework),
  • obtain client functions (in Haskell),
  • generate client functions for other programming languages,
  • generate documentation

Servant allows us to specify everything from request bodies to Headers at the type level, which will help us be explicit as we explore Manifests, Tags and Digests. Since the purpose of this set of articles is informative, the types will help ground our conversations.

Getting Started

Firstly, we'll need a new Haskell project. Stack provides nice templating functionality, so we'll use that to scaffold a new project.

stack new servant sr --resolver nightly-2016-07-31

Since we aren't focusing on Servant itself for this series, we'll skip a bunch of the boilerplate and backing code to focus in on the handlers and business logic. The code for this section is on GitHub for those that want to investigate further.


One of the benefits of working from a spec is that there are a full set of routes already penned out for us to implement so we can achieve compatibility with the wider ecosystem of tools, such as the Docker Engine.

To start, we'll translate the routes pretty loosely. Then we'll go back and fill in the return types as we write each of the route handlers. Translating the V2 API into types looks like the following.

type Head = Verb 'HEAD 200
type V2Base = "v2" :> Get '[JSON] (Headers '[
Header "Docker-Distribution-API-Version" String
] NoContent)
-- | Main API Type
type API = V2Base :<|> "v2" :> V2API
-- | V2 API Definition
type V2API = Metadata
:<|> "_catalog" :> Get '[JSON] NoContent
type Tags = "tags" :> "list" :> Get '[JSON] NoContent
type Metadata = Capture "name" Name :> (
Tags :<|>
"manifests" :> Manifests :<|>
"blobs" :> Blobs
type Blobs = Digests :<|> Upload
type Manifests = Capture "reference" Ref :> (
Get '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Put '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Delete '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Head '[JSON] NoContent
type Digests = Capture "digest" Digest :> (
Head '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Get '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Delete '[JSON] NoContent
type Upload = "uploads" :> (
Post '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Capture "uuid" UUID :> (
Get '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Patch '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Put '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Delete '[JSON] NoContent

This produces a set of routes that lay out as follows:

└─ v2/
├─ <capture>/
│ ├─ blobs/
│ │ ├─ <capture>/
│ │ │ ├─•
│ │ │ ┆
│ │ │ ├─•
│ │ │ ┆
│ │ │ └─•
│ │ ┆
│ │ └─ uploads/
│ │ ├─•
│ │ ┆
│ │ ┆
│ │ └─ <capture>/
│ │ ├─•
│ │ ┆
│ │ ├─•
│ │ ┆
│ │ ├─•
│ │ ┆
│ │ └─•
│ ├─ manifests/
│ │ └─ <capture>/
│ │ ├─•
│ │ ┆
│ │ ├─•
│ │ ┆
│ │ ├─•
│ │ ┆
│ │ └─•
│ └─ tags/
│ └─ list/
│ └─•
└─ _catalog/

This matches up with the spec quite well and gives us a nice base to start writing more specific code without worrying about whether we'll miss a route.

The Types

If we take a closer look at the types we just wrote out we see a bunch of concepts including Name, Tags, Manifests, Blobs, and Digests. Interestingly, we don't see an Image or Container anywhere.


We use Name to represent an repository name. Names must adhere to a specific regex ([a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*) and be less than 256 characters. In plain english from the spec:

A repository name is broken up into path components. A component of a repository name must be at least one lowercase, alpha-numeric characters, optionally separated by periods, dashes or underscores.


Tags are strings that reference images. For example, if we were using debian and wanted to only use the tag jessie, we could pull using the format debian:jessie.


An image manifest provides a configuration and a set of layers for a container image. It looks like the following JSON:

"schemaVersion": 2,
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
"config": {
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
"size": 7023,
"digest": "sha256:b5b2b2c507a0944348e0303114d8d93aaaa081732b86451d9bce1f432a537bc7"
"layers": [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip",
"size": 32654,
"digest": "sha256:e692418e4cbaf90ca69d05a66403747baa33ee08806650b51fab815ad7fc331f"
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip",
"size": 16724,
"digest": "sha256:3c3a4604a545cdc127456d94e421cd355bca5b528f4a9c1905b15da2eb4a4c6b"
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip",
"size": 73109,
"digest": "sha256:ec4b8955958665577945c89419d1af06b5f7636b4ac3da7f12184802ad867736"

Blobs & Digests

Layers are stored in the blob portion of the registry, keyed by digest.

Our First Handler

The first route we'll look at implementing is also the most simple. It's the route that lets clients know that this registry implements the V2 APIs.

The type of the /v2 route is

type V2Base = "v2" :> Get '[JSON] (Headers '[
Header "Docker-Distribution-API-Version" String
] NoContent)

Which breaks down to a GET request with an application/json content type. The response has a single header, Docker-Distribution-API-Version, which is what lets a client know which API version our registry implements. We also send back no body content. Finally, we can dig a bit deeper into Get, which is a type alias for Verb 'GET 200. This tells us that a successful response will have a 200 code.

The only other valid codes for this route 401 Unauthorized and 429 Too Many Requests but since we haven't implemented authorization or rate-limiting, we'll skip that for now.

v2 :: App (Headers '[Header "Docker-Distribution-API-Version" String] NoContent)
v2 = do
$(logTM) InfoS "registry/2.0"
return $ addHeader "registry/2.0" NoContent

Our logging is pretty basic right now. We'll worry about bulking it up later. For now, we're going to leave the default Katip stdout which leaves us with time, loglevel, hostname (container id), thread id and source location:

[2016-08-08 21:47:50][superhuman-registry][Info][85f79bec070f][33][ThreadId 11][sr- src/Lib.hs:63:5] registry/2.0

Dealing with Layers

The primary purpose of a Registry is to store layers and manifests so a client (such as a Docker Engine) can pull images. We'll avoid supporting legacy versions of the registry for security and simplicity reasons, which means our registry will only work for docker 1.10 and above. Benefits of this include not having to rewrite v2 manifests into the v1 format.

Docker Client

We need to figure out what the docker is doing on a push. Since I'm running Docker for Mac, booting a server to act as a registry is pretty simple. We'll use nc for a first attempt.

docker run -itp 9000:9000 alpine nc -l 9000

Now that we have a server acting as a "registry", we need to tag and push an image to it.

> docker tag hello-world localhost:9000/hello-world
> docker push localhost:9000/hello-world
The push refers to a repository [localhost:9000/hello-world]
Put http://localhost:9000/v1/repositories/hello-world/: EOF

Great! Our server is listening and the engine is pushing to the right place. If it wasn't, we could've seen something like this:

Put http://localhost:9000/v1/repositories/hello-world/: read tcp
[::1]:56492->[::1]:9000: read: connection reset by peer

There's a problem though, nc doesn't implement the /v2/ endpoint, so the docker client falls back to v1 of the api. Luckily, we've implemented the v2 endpoint already so we'll skip netcat and jump back into Haskell.

We can use Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger to log out everything docker tries to do to our registry. Using docker-compose to boot up our registry and re-attempting the push yields:

api_1 | GET /v2/
api_1 | Accept:
api_1 | Status: 200 OK 0.000190373s
api_1 | Prelude.undefined
api_1 | CallStack (from HasCallStack):
api_1 | error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:79:14 in base:GHC.Err
api_1 | undefined, called at src/SR/Blobs.hs:26:14 in sr-
api_1 | Prelude.undefined
api_1 | CallStack (from HasCallStack):
api_1 | error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:79:14 in base:GHC.Err
api_1 | undefined, called at src/SR/Blobs.hs:26:14 in sr-

From the information, we see that the /v2/ route is working as expected, but we hit undefined at src/SR/Blobs.hs:26:14, which is totally expected because we haven't implemented uploadBlob yet. Notice that the engine retries the upload request.

If the route didn't exist, we would have seen a 404 in the logs.

api_1 | GET /v2/
api_1 | Accept:
api_1 | Status: 200 OK 0.011277359s
api_1 | POST /v2/hello-world/blobs/uploads/
api_1 | Accept:
api_1 | Status: 404 Not Found 0.000028066s

This matches with what we know about the upload process.


We can throw a couple print statements in to replace the undefined as such:

uploadBlob :: Namespace -> Name -> App NoContent
uploadBlob namespace' name' = do
liftIO $ print namespace'
liftIO $ print name'
return NoContent

Which will yield us some progress when trying to push.

api_1 | GET /v2/
api_1 | Accept:
api_1 | Status: 200 OK 0.004299263s
api_1 | Namespace "lib"
api_1 | Name "hello-world"
api_1 | POST /v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/
api_1 | Accept:
api_1 | Status: 200 OK 0.000105174s

This is good progress, but we clearly have some issues since the docker engine is still retrying the endpoint.

There are two approaches to blob upload monolithic and resumeable. The docs for /v2/<name>/blobs/uploads detail that the digest query param is the differentiator between monolithic and resumable upload.

Initiate a resumable blob upload. If successful, an upload location will be provided to complete the upload. Optionally, if the digest parameter is present, the request body will be used to complete the upload in a single request.

Let's take a look at an implementation for the uploadBlob (<>/blobs/uploads) route. We modifiy the type to reflect the various headers and response codes (docker engine is a picky client). All of the relevant information is communicated through headers, so we return NoContent as well. PostAccepted is a shortcut for 202 responses.

PostAccepted '[JSON] (Headers '[
Header "Location" URI,
Header "Range" String,
Header "Docker-Upload-UUID" UUID
] NoContent)

Now the handler code. We generate a new uuid to send back in the response. Our first go is just trying to get the docker client to continue to the next request but in the future we should do something with the uuid so we can respond to status requests. uploadAPI might look scary, but it's just specifying the route we want to generate for the Location header. We do this so that Servant will automatically check that the route is valid for the api we are serving and we get a compile error if it doesn't typecheck.

We add 3 headers, setting the Range to "0-0" because we are only responding to resumable upload requests for now. (Otherwise we'd have to handle the case of an extra query string parameter). Once we generate the Location and the Docker-Upload-UUID, we send them back so the docker engine can start uploading blobs at the specified Location.

uploadBlob :: Namespace -> Name -> App (Headers '[
Header "Location" URI,
Header "Range" String,
Header "Docker-Upload-UUID" UUID
] NoContent)
uploadBlob namespace' name' = do
uuid <- liftIO $ nextRandom
let uploadAPI = Proxy :: Proxy ("v2" :> Capture "namespace" Namespace :> Capture "name" Name :> "blobs" :> "uploads" :> Capture "uuid" UUID :> Put '[JSON] NoContent)
mkURI = safeLink api uploadAPI
uri = mkURI namespace' name' uuid
response = addHeader uri
$ addHeader "0-0"
$ addHeader uuid NoContent
$(logTM) InfoS (logStr $ show $ getHeaders response)
return response

We also need a couple instances which allow us to render types like UUID into path components and headers. (note: these are orphan instances, but we could fix that by using a newtype and declaring the instances for the newtypes instead).

instance FromHttpApiData UUID where
parseUrlPiece text = case (fromText text) of
Nothing -> Left $ T.append "Invalid UUID" text
Just uuid -> Right uuid
instance ToByteString URI where
builder = lazyByteString . pack . show
instance ToHttpApiData UUID where
toUrlPiece = toText
toHeader = toASCIIBytes
instance ToByteString UUID where
builder = lazyByteString . toLazyASCIIBytes

We push again to test the route

docker push localhost:9000/lib/hello-world

And voilà, we get the desired effect. The docker engine accepts the UUID and tries to upload blobs to PATCH /v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/aeab6f5e-4b80-4c7b-9027-616b1cbe6a55. That's totally not the right URI though. We've accidentally used a relative URI in our Location header. We'll fix that though :)

GET /v2/
Status: 200 OK 0.000458567s
[2016-08-30 18:12:49][superhuman-registry][Info][b4fa86e02706][6258][ThreadId 15][sr- src/SR/Blobs.hs:47:5] [("Location","v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/aeab6f5e-4b80-4c7b-9027-616b1cbe6a55"),("Range","0-0"),("Docker-Upload-UUID","aeab6f5e-4b80-4c7b-9027-616b1cbe6a55")]
POST /v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/
Status: 202 Accepted 0.000303745s
PATCH /v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/aeab6f5e-4b80-4c7b-9027-616b1cbe6a55
Status: 404 Not Found 0.000041239s


The next route, as shown in the logs above, is the PATCH to the Location header we sent back down. The type for the PATCH route changes to:

ReqBody '[OctetStream] ByteString :>
Header "range" String :>
PatchNoContent '[JSON] (Headers '[
Header "Location" URI,
Header "Range" String,
Header "Docker-Upload-UUID" UUID
] NoContent)

We need to accept and echo back the Range header, while the request body comes in as an OctetStream. We take this information and just write out the OctetStream to a file for now.

patchBlob :: Namespace
-> Name
-> ByteString
-> Maybe String
-> App (Headers '[
Header "Location" URI,
Header "Range" String,
Header "Docker-Upload-UUID" UUID
] NoContent)
patchBlob namespace' name' uuid' blob range' = do
liftIO $ Data.ByteString.writeFile ("./tmp/" ++ toString uuid') blob
response <- mkHeaders range' uuid' namespace' name'
return response

With this code (and another upload attempt from the engine), we can see that the next request is a PUT, which indicates the last request for this layer.

GET /v2/
Status: 200 OK 0.005978465s
[2016-09-03 20:21:39][superhuman-registry][Info][b4fa86e02706][130][ThreadId 14][sr- src/SR/Blobs.hs:74:5] [("Location","http://localhost:9000/v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/f525cc29-b588-417b-aac2-85c5752ce07b"),("Range","0-0"),("Docker-Upload-UUID","f525cc29-b588-417b-aac2-85c5752ce07b")]
POST /v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/
Status: 202 Accepted 0.000442272s
PATCH /v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/f525cc29-b588-417b-aac2-85c5752ce07b
Status: 204 No Content 0.012519558s
PUT /v2/lib/hello-world/blobs/uploads/f525cc29-b588-417b-aac2-85c5752ce07b
Params: [("digest","sha256:a9d36faac0fe2a855f798346f33bd48917bf3af9b6e4b77870ef8862fee8a8a3")]
Status: 200 OK 0.000077408s


After PATCHs finish flowing in, the client sends a PUT request with the digest and potentially any final layer content. Note that at this point, we have not implemented any append functionality so our PATCH endpoint will only work for small layers. Likewise, our PUT and the HEAD that comes after it will be very minimal, omitting critical functionality. This is so that we can get through all of the requests and confirm a full upload flow.

The Digest for a layer is a sha256 hash as such:


Our handler will just emit NoContent so we can skip the validation code and get on with groking the entire request flow.

putBlob :: Namespace
-> Name
-> Maybe Digest
-> App NoContent
putBlob namespace' name' uuid' digest' = do
case digest' of
Nothing -> return NoContent
Just a -> return NoContent


This is getting familiar, so we will move on to a minimal HEAD which is a request to check to see if a particular layer (identified by Digest) has been uploaded. Our version responds "yes" to every single HEAD request, indicating that the layer exists in the registry already. Luckily for us the Docker client doesn't seem to validate the Content-Length header which means we can just echo the Digest back in a header and call it done.

headDigest :: Namespace
-> Name
-> Digest
-> App (Headers '[
Header "Content-Length" Int,
Header "Docker-Content-Digest" Digest
] NoContent)
headDigest namespace' name' digest' = do
return $ addHeader 0
$ addHeader digest' NoContent


With the rest of the pieces in place, we receive a PUT to upload the Manifest for an image. When uploading the Manifest for an image, it is interesting to note that this is the first reference to a Tag that we have seen so far. In this case, it is latest.

PUT /v2/lib/hello-world/manifests/latest

It is also interesting to remind ourselves that docker pull works if we use the sha256 hash of the Manifest. To see this in action let's grab the sha for hello-world, which we've been using to test our registry.

> docker inspect -f "{{ .RepoDigests}}" hello-world
> docker pull hello-world@sha256:0256e8a36e2070f7bf2d0b0763dbabdd67798512411de4cdcf9431a1feb60fd9
sha256:0256e8a36e2070f7bf2d0b0763dbabdd67798512411de4cdcf9431a1feb60fd9: Pulling from library/hello-world
Digest: sha256:0256e8a36e2070f7bf2d0b0763dbabdd67798512411de4cdcf9431a1feb60fd9
Status: Image is up to date for hello-world@sha256:0256e8a36e2070f7bf2d0b0763dbabdd67798512411de4cdcf9431a1feb60fd9

This is useful because a Reference, which is the final path segment in the PUT URL, can be a Digest OR a Tag. We need to know this because the response headers need the Digest.

201 Created
Location: <url>
Content-Length: 0
Docker-Content-Digest: <digest>


The Manifest for hello-world is a v2+json style manifest. The other major option for us is going to be a Manifest List, aka a Fat Manifest. Our Manifest looks as the following, with a single layer.

"schemaVersion": 2,
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
"config": {
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:c54a2cc56cbb2f04003c1cd4507e118af7c0d340fe7e2720f70976c4b75237dc"
"layers": [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip",
"size": 1,
"digest": "sha256:c04b14da8d1441880ed3fe6106fb2cc6fa1c9661846ac0266b8a5ec8edf37b7c"

We can parse the above Manifest JSON into the following Haskell datatype. In the future we can also do digest validation for each digest in the manifest.

V2_2 {
schemaVersion = 2,
mediaType = Manifest_V2_JSON,
config = Config {
cMediaType = V1_JSON,
cSize = 7023,
cDigest = "sha256:b5b2b2c507a0944348e0303114d8d93aaaa081732b86451d9bce1f432a537bc7"
layers = [
Layer {
lMediaType = Diff,
lSize = 32654,
lDigest = "sha256:e692418e4cbaf90ca69d05a66403747baa33ee08806650b51fab815ad7fc331f",
lUrls = Nothing
Layer {
lMediaType = Diff,
lSize = 16724,
lDigest = "sha256:3c3a4604a545cdc127456d94e421cd355bca5b528f4a9c1905b15da2eb4a4c6b",
lUrls = Nothing
Layer {
lMediaType = Diff,
lSize = 73109,
lDigest = "sha256:ec4b8955958665577945c89419d1af06b5f7636b4ac3da7f12184802ad867736",
lUrls = Nothing

For us, it is important to note how the mechanics behind backward compatibility work.

When pushing images, clients which support the new manifest format should first construct a manifest in the new format.

Which is great for us because that means we only have to code support for v2 manifests and compatible clients will behave appropriately.

Implementing the Handler

At this point, it's useful to set up a proxy. After doing that, we can log out arbitrary parts of the requests/responses to find the following headers coming from the docker engine request to putManifest.

"connection": "close",
"accept-encoding": "gzip",
"content-type": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
"content-length": "482",
"user-agent": "docker/1.12.1 go/go1.6.3 git-commit/23cf638 kernel/4.4.20-moby os/linux arch/amd64 UpstreamClient(Docker-Client/1.12.1 \\(darwin\\))",
"host": "localhost:8000"

The one we really care about is the Content-Type header. The request identifies the type of Manifest based on the Content-Type, so we can easily handle different Manifest content. To add support for the vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json Content-Type, we can write the implementation for a new Servant Content-Type.

Read More on Custom Content-Types

data HashedJSON = HashedJSON String
instance Accept HashedJSON where
contentType _ = "application" // "vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"
instance FromJSON a => MimeUnrender HashedJSON (Digest SHA256, a) where
mimeUnrender _ bs = case eitherDecodeLenient bs of
Left err -> Left err
Right val -> Right (mkLazyDigest bs, val)

Note that we have also included the ability to hash the incoming content with this Content-Type. This means our handlers don't have to worry about dealing with hashing.

Our route with the new Content-Type looks like the following, where CH comes from the cryptonite package. The request body is specified as a tuple of (Digest, Manfiest) which comes from the HashedJSON Content-Type.

ReqBody '[HashedJSON] (CH.Digest CH.SHA256, Manifest) :>
PutCreated '[JSON] (Headers '[
Header "Content-Length" Int,
Header "Docker-Content-Digest" CDigest
] NoContent)

We are still doing as little work as possible in the handler.

putManifest :: Namespace
-> Name
-> Ref
-> (CH.Digest CH.SHA256, Manifest)
-> App (Headers '[
Header "Content-Length" Int,
Header "Docker-Content-Digest" CDigest
] NoContent)
putManifest namespace' name ref' (digest, manifest) = do
liftIO $ print "putManifest"
liftIO $ print digest
return $ addHeader 0
$ addHeader (CDigest digest) NoContent


PUT /v2/biscarch/hello-world/manifests/latest
Request Body: {
"schemaVersion": 2,
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
"config": {
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
"digest": "sha256:c54a2cc56cbb2f04003c1cd4507e118af7c0d340fe7e2720f70976c4b75237dc"
"layers": [
"mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip",
"digest": "sha256:c04b14da8d1441880ed3fe6106fb2cc6fa1c9661846ac0266b8a5ec8edf37b7c"
Status: 201 Created 0.000758785s

A GADT Rises

Now that we have a fully "working" image upload (at least, the docker engine is convinced we handled everything correctly), we have two ways forward.

  1. Truly implement push compatibility complete with resumable upload, etc.
  2. Execute the same "as little as possible" process to complete a docker pull.

Since we eventually we want to support multiple backends, Option 1 will have to happen in the future. To do this, we would start off with a GADT that defines the various operations that need to be implemented for a new backend.

To refresh, here is the list of handlers we need to implement for push compatibility.

  • uploadBlob
  • patchBlob
  • putBlob
  • headDigest
  • putManifest

What we want in the end is a Generalized Algebraic Data Type that defines what it means to be a RegistryBackend. An example declaration for the uploadBlob functionality shows that a compliant backend would need to declare a function which too a RepoName, UUID, Maybe Digest and returned an Either UploadError NoContent. We would use UploadError to restrict the types of errors which come back so we can communicate with exists clients such as the Docker engine.

class RegistryBackend b where
uploadBlob :: b
-> RepoName
-> Maybe Digest
-> Either UploadError NoContent

This involves a couple of pieces including changing our handler types from the following (which uses App directly).

putBlob :: Namespace
-> Name
-> Maybe Digest
-> App NoContent

to something more general. Possibly just a HasRegistryBackend constraint on the monad (App is also a monad).

putBlob :: ( KatipContext m, RegistryBackend m )
=> Namespace
-> Name
-> Maybe Digest
-> m NoContent

This would allow us to move configuration of the server into the executables while still allowing the library to provide guarentees about what it needs to be able to function. In effect, allowing us to build binaries that target Postgres, File Systems, and other interesting data stores.

We will keep this in mind as we move forward with a concrete implementation based on Postgres. This concrete implementation will inform us as to which abstractions make sense. An interesting choice for the second store implementation would be something without transactions and different consistency guarentees such as S3 or a KV store.

Postgres uploadBlob

Since we now need a "real" backend, we'll spin up Postgres using sqitch for migrations. The official Postgres image allows us to use a shell script to initialize the db so all we need to do in addition is install sqitch:

FROM postgres
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install sqitch -y
COPY . /opt/sqitch
WORKDIR /opt/sqitch
COPY ./initdb.sh /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/initdb.sh

initdb.sh is the following script to execute sqitch:

set -e
cd /opt/sqitch && sqitch -u "$POSTGRES_USER" deploy --verify

The migrations (in order) are the following three. The first sets up our SR schema.

-- Deploy sr:appschema to pg

The second registers uuid-ossp, which we will use when tracking upload requests.

-- Deploy sr:uuid-ossp to pg
-- requires: appschema

Finally, we implement a table with automatic created_at and modified_at timestamps. These timestamps will help us implement garbage collection for abandoned uploads. We let Postgres handle generation of unique UUIDs on INSERT and leave the creation of a Large Object for the future.

-- Deploy sr:blob-uploads to pg
-- requires: uuid-ossp
-- Table
CREATE TABLE sr.blob_uploads (
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
lo_id OID,
repo_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
-- Automatically update modified_at
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_modified_column()
NEW.modified_at = now();
-- Force created_at to never change
NEW.created_at = OLD.created_at;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
CREATE TRIGGER update_blob_upload_modtime
BEFORE UPDATE ON sr.blob_uploads
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_modified_column();
-- | Automatically populate created_at
-- Use a trigger so it's impossible to override on insert
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION populate_create_column()
NEW.created_at = now();
NEW.modified_at = now();
$$ language 'plpgsql';
CREATE TRIGGER insert_blob_upload_createtime
BEFORE INSERT ON sr.blob_uploads
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE populate_create_column();

To handle the initialization of new uploads, we use the following query which grabs a connection from the pool, executes the statement and returns the UUID of the new upload.

-- | Insert a new upload for a Repos
startNewUpload :: Reponame -> App UUID
startNewUpload repo = runPG (query repo insertNewUpload)
-- | PG automatically creates uuid, created_at and modified_at
insertNewUpload :: Query Text UUID
insertNewUpload =
statement sql encoder decoder True
sql =
"INSERT INTO sr.blob_uploads (repo_name) VALUES ($1) RETURNING id"
encoder =
E.value E.text
decoder =
D.singleRow (D.value D.uuid)

runPG is a utility function which handles any connection errors.

runPG :: Session a -> App a
runPG action = do
pool <- asks acPGPool
res <- liftIO $ P.use pool action
case res of
Left usageError -> do

Postgres headBlob

At this point I figured out that Docker will ask to mount if you push an image, then retag it and push the retagged image.

docker tag hello-world localhost:9000/biscarch/hello-worlds
docker push localhost:9000/biscarch/hello-worlds
docker tag hello-world localhost:9000/biscarch/hello-world-2
docker push localhost:9000/biscarch/hello-world-2

The last push produces the following request to blob upload:

GET /v2/
Status: 200 OK 0.002441185s
POST /v2/biscarch/hello-world-2/blobs/uploads/
Params: [("from","biscarch/hello-worlds"),("mount","sha256:c04b14da8d1441880ed3fe6106fb2cc6fa1c9661846ac0266b8a5ec8edf37b7c")]

To implement putBlob we'll need to make our hacky headBlob return 404s. This gives us a nice spot to implement a blobs table which will form the basis of our catalog.

TODO: implement CREATE TABLE blobs here.

-- Table
CREATE TABLE sr.blobs (
-- id is a sha256 hash
-- TODO: limit this to sha256 length?
-- id of the hashed blob
lo_id OID,
-- maybe remove repo_name?
repo_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,

Our HEAD handler will check to see if the blob exists in our catalog. If it does, we need to get the Content-Length of the blob to return. If it does not exist we just 404.

headDigest :: Namespace
-> Name
-> Digest
-> App (Headers '[
Header "Content-Length" Int,
Header "Docker-Content-Digest" Digest
] NoContent)
headDigest namespace' name' digest' = do
blobExists <- headBlob digest'
case blobExists of
BLOB_EXISTS d' -> return addHeader 0
$ addHeader digest' NoContent
UNKNOWN_BLOB -> throwError err404

Fixing patchBlob

Postgres putBlob