Note: Since the publishing of this post, MDX has hit 1.0. In 1.0 we removed the intermediary
component mentioned here in favor of a custom pragma. This simplifiespreToCodeProps
so while the description of that function here is still conceptually accurate, it is no longer literally accurate.
in MDX 1.0, so that change was made here as well to keep the code examples running and current.
MDX, and
specifically, is quite often used by people who are building
interactive experiences. Some are design system
documentation, others are blogs, and this goes on into
marketing sites and more. Until today, if you want to
replace the way code renders you would have to replace the
element using MDXProvider
because code renders as
blocks. The full code needed for this is
tricky to remember. Let's say we're writing a custom code
block component to replace pre
const components = {pre: props => {/* your code here*/}};
in the above component expands to a more complex
version of this object.
{children: {$$typeof: Symbol("react.element"),props: {name: "code",components: {},parentName: "pre",props: {className: "language-js"},children: "const some = {}\n"}}}
which means we have to remember how to write this logic any time we're implementing a code block component in addition to any custom rendering logic.
if (// children is MDXTagpreProps.children &&// MDXTag propspreProps.children.props &&// if MDXTag is going to render a <code> === "code") {// we have a <pre><code> situationconst {children: codeString,props: { className, ...props }} = preProps.children.props;return {codeString: codeString.trim(),language: className && className.split("-")[1],...props};
So I went ahead and published
is a container package for useful functions
relating to writing components intended to be used in an
. Our new logic looks like this:
import React from "react";import { MDXProvider } from "@mdx-js/react";import { Code } from "./src/components/code";import { preToCodeBlock } from "mdx-utils";// components is its own object outside of render so that the references to// components are stableconst components = {pre: preProps => {const props = preToCodeBlock(preProps);// if there's a codeString and some props, we passed the testif (props) {return <Code {...props} />;} else {// it's possible to have a pre without a code in itreturn <pre {...preProps} />;}}};export const wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => (<MDXProvider components={components}>{element}</MDXProvider>);
You can check out some of the changes
in this PR to hagnerd's gatsby-starter-blog-mdx.
Here's the Code
component used above
import React from "react";import { render } from "react-dom";import Highlight, {defaultProps} from "prism-react-renderer";import {LiveProvider,LiveEditor,LiveError,LivePreview} from "react-live";export const Code = ({codeString,language,...props}) => {if (props["react-live"]) {return (<LiveProvider code={codeString} noInline={true}><LiveEditor /><LiveError /><LivePreview /></LiveProvider>);} else {return (<Highlight{...defaultProps}code={codeString}language={language}>{({className,style,tokens,getLineProps,getTokenProps}) => (<pre className={className} style={style}>{, i) => (<div {...getLineProps({ line, key: i })}>{, key) => (<span{...getTokenProps({ token, key })}/>))}</div>))}</pre>)}</Highlight>);}};
and a gif of the new Code
component in action rendering
Prism highlighted code AND a live code sample!