Here's the code I was just in the middle of writing when I realized I should stop and try to use webpack.
const React = require("react");const babel = require("@babel/core");const fs = require("fs");const path = require("path");const {renderToStaticMarkup} = require("react-dom/server");const vm = require("vm");const { MDX_SCOPES_LOCATION } = require("../constants");const MDXRenderer = require("../mdx-renderer");module.exports = function renderHTML(mdxBody) {const files = fs.readdirSync(MDX_SCOPES_LOCATION);const abs = path.resolve(MDX_SCOPES_LOCATION);const scope = =>fs.readFileSync(path.join(abs, file), "utf-8")).map(content =>babel.transform(content, {plugins: [require("@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs")]}).code).map(codeString => {const sandbox = { exports: {}, require };vm.createContext(sandbox);vm.runInContext(codeString, sandbox);console.log(sandbox);}).reduce((allScope, nextScope) => ({...allScope,...nextScope}),{});return renderToStaticMarkup(React.createElement(MDXRenderer, { scope }, mdxBody));};
First off, what is this code trying to do? There's a babel transform, a vm context passing code strings around, and a React server render. Basically, I was trying to achieve getting HTML output for MDX content in gatsby-mdx. If you're server-rendered React before, you'll see that this seems like very complicated code to simply render a component to an html representation.
so... why is it so complicated?
The short answer is that gatsby-mdx rips the imports out of
every MDX node and stores the imports in separate files for
each node in a special directory called
. So, since anyone could be using the
new globalScope
config for shortcodes, we have to go collect all of the
possible scopes so that MDX content can be rendered with the
React components they expect to have available.
The scope files are written using ES2015 module syntax, and are usually just a set of imports and an export.
import { SketchPicker } from 'react-color';export { Picker: SketchPicker }
This ES2015 syntax means that we can't require these files
into a node process without compiling them (remember that
although MDX users tend to be on the later releases, Gatsby
currently supports all the way back to node 6). Once
scooping up all of the files as strings, we need to compile
them and combine them into a single scope object to pass to
the MDXScopeProvider
, just like we do for
normal operation in wrapRootElement.
so... how did I know it was time for webpack?
I was making only incremental progress (first*
then babel, then vm
, etc) and while incremental progress
is good, there are a few thoughts I had that told me there
was a leap I could make.
As soon as I chose to switch to using Webpack for this, I made progress quickly. There are a couple of keys to understanding what this code is doing.
. We take Gatsby's processed webpack config
from the redux store so that the scopes and anything else
we have to process are dealt with in a predictable way.
By doing this, we could accidentally overwrite the
webpack config and end up with the same HTML output for
every renderHTML
is an extremely simple
in-memory filesystem
that we can use in place of the real filesystem. Using an
in-memory filesystem means we don't have to worry about
accidentally overwriting any files needed for the real
Gatsby build.StaticSiteGeneratorPlugin
is a Webpack plugin by
@markdalgleish that
I've used in the past when building GraphQL based static
site generators. It takes your bundles from Webpack when
they are emitted and calls the JavaScript bundle as a
function with a route to generate some HTML. It allows us
to pass arguments to the bundle function with locals
and define global variables easily with globals
.const webpack = require("webpack");const MemoryFS = require("memory-fs");const StaticSiteGeneratorPlugin = require("static-site-generator-webpack-plugin");const { cloneDeep } = require("lodash");module.exports = mdxBody => wConfig => {const webpackConfig = cloneDeep(wConfig);webpackConfig.entry = require.resolve("./wrap-root-render-html-entry.js");webpackConfig.output = {filename: "output.txt",path: "/",libraryTarget: "commonjs"};webpackConfig.plugins.push(new StaticSiteGeneratorPlugin({paths: ["/"],locals: {// Properties here are merged into `locals`// passed to the exported render functionmdxBody},globals: {window: {},__MDX_CONTENT__: mdxBody}}));const fs = new MemoryFS();const compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);compiler.outputFileSystem = fs;return new Promise(resolve => {, stats) => {// error handling bonanzaif (err) {console.error(err.stack || err);if (err.details) {console.error(err.details);}return;}const info = stats.toJson();if (stats.hasErrors()) {console.error(info.errors);}if (stats.hasWarnings()) {console.warn(info.warnings);}// actual codeconst content = fs.readFileSync("/index.html","utf-8");resolve(content);});});};
Now, this is a heavy key in the GraphQL API because of all
the additional webpack work (a webpack process for every
field queried). The approach I'm taking here is:
"Make it work, make it right, make it fast". We're still in
the "Make it work" phase. We will need to speed this up or
cache it heavily in the future.