70 %
Chris Biscardi

Emacs Command Frequency 2017

I use keyfreq to record the commands I use in emacs and periodically check the log to see what I should rebind, etc. here's a list of every command I used that has more than 100 uses (which hilariously to me, is almost 100 commands).

keyfreq stores its content in a file (which sometimes I've had conflict issues with in the past so consider this output "sampled" in terms of absolute number). The output records what mode I'm in and the command used as well as a number (presumably uses?).

(((emacs-lisp-mode . mouse-set-point) . 77)
((minibuffer-inactive-mode . swiper) . 718)
((emacs-lisp-mode . eval-buffer) . 33)
((emacs-lisp-mode . paredit-backward-kill-word) . 12)
((emacs-lisp-mode . paredit-backward-delete) . 818)
((emacs-lisp-mode . org-edit-src-save) . 171)
((minibuffer-inactive-mode . org-edit-src-save) . 23)
((special-mode . mouse-drag-region) . 1)
((special-mode . mouse-set-region) . 1)
((fundamental-mode . kill-line) . 45)

The first two on my list are deletions. The first is a normal press of the delete key. The second is more interesting. It's a function from smartparens that I didn't even know I was calling. It makes sense though because I've been using it in strict mode since I redid my emacs config and that makes me keep all parens balanced all the time (or use C-q to insert one-offs).

16079 9.25% delete-backward-char DEL
11720 6.74% sp-backward-delete-char

if I ack my keyfreq file for sp-backward I end up with a ton of matches. I didn't expect there to be so many sp-backward commands. It turns out this one mostly comes from go-mode and secondarily from web-mode. This makes sense since I mostly write go and JavaScript these days (as opposed to Haskell and JavaScript in the past).

((go-mode . sp-backward-delete-char) . 5308)
((web-mode . sp-backward-delete-char) . 6095)

There are actually a bunch more sp- commands that I use without even realizing it, such as sp-kill-hybrid-sexp. I gleaned a uniqued list using some ack. Smartparens seems to have some cool features so I should definitely look into the other commands it offers. andohwowijustdiscoveredithasslurpingandbarfing (I'm excited about wrapping/slurping/etc)

➜ ack -o "\ sp-[\w-]*" ~/.emacs.keyfreq | sort | uniq


duh; save early, save often or perish. I might be mixing my phrases here...

9206 5.30% save-buffer s-s, C-x C-s, <menu-bar> <file> <save-buffer>


I should put more effort into avoiding the arrow keys when I'm hands-on-keyboard since C-f/b do the same thing

9105 5.24% left-char <left>
7590 4.37% right-char <right>
6037 3.47% move-end-of-line
4662 2.68% move-beginning-of-line
5203 2.99% newline
4426 2.55% backward-word M-b
3451 1.99% forward-word M-f
2231 1.28% backward-char C-b

"Focus the emacs application with the mouse so I can use it"

Yeah, I don't use a mouse in emacs, but I do use a mouse to swap applications because I'm on OSX and don't have a tiling window manager or something cool like that.

8761 5.04% mouse-drag-region <down-mouse-1>
8464 4.87% mouse-set-point


I honestly have no idea why this one is getting called so often. I write a lot of markdown (blog posts, READMEs, etc) but feel like its getting called by something connected to one of the delete functions I use so much.

7681 4.42% markdown-outdent-or-delete


Something to do with incrementally searching printing characters. Not super sure but I do search a lot so I'd expect stuff related to searching or ivy/swiper at this point.

5167 2.97% isearch-printing-char
2071 1.19% isearch-repeat-forward s-g

Operating on Regions

indenting, adding a character to the beginning of a set of lines, regex replacement, etc. Everything needs a region to operate on.

3760 2.16% set-mark-command C-@, C-SPC


Completion, in the minibuffer. AKA <tab> completion

2754 1.58% minibuffer-complete

And a bunch of other stuff that's less interesting.

1908 1.10% markdown-enter-key
1726 0.99% find-file <open>, <menu-bar> <file> <new-file>
1604 0.92% undo <menu-bar> <edit> <undo>, C-_, s-z, <undo>, C-/, C-x u
1572 0.90% simpleclip-paste <S-insertchar>, <S-insert>, s-v, <menu-bar> <edit> <paste>
1468 0.84% handle-switch-frame <switch-frame>
1450 0.83% undo-tree-undo
1441 0.83% yank
1378 0.79% kill-line <deleteline>
1346 0.77% beginning-of-buffer <menu-bar> <edit> <goto> <beg-of-buf>, <kp-home>, <begin>, <C-home>, <home>, M-<
1288 0.74% ivy-backward-delete-char
1270 0.73% org-self-insert-command SPC..~, €..�
1257 0.72% dabbrev-expand M-/
1211 0.70% yaml-electric-backspace
1198 0.69% mwheel-scroll <C-wheel-down>, <S-wheel-down>, <wheel-down>, <C-wheel-up>, <S-wheel-up>, <wheel-up>
1177 0.68% company-ignore <company-dummy-event>
1044 0.60% delete-forward-char <deletechar>
1024 0.59% sp-kill-region
991 0.57% ivy-done
970 0.56% open-line C-o, <insertline>
903 0.52% isearch-forward <menu-bar> <edit> <search> <i-search> <isearch-forward>, s-f
889 0.51% paredit-backward-delete
873 0.50% ivy-next-line
838 0.48% end-of-buffer <menu-bar> <edit> <goto> <end-of-buf>, <kp-end>, <C-end>, <end>, M->
821 0.47% delete-horizontal-space M-\
785 0.45% electric-newline-and-maybe-indent
770 0.44% sp-kill-hybrid-sexp
752 0.43% backward-kill-word <C-backspace>, M-DEL
749 0.43% ivy-next-line-or-history
740 0.43% kill-word <C-delete>, M-d
726 0.42% swiper C-s
722 0.42% backward-delete-char-untabify
719 0.41% ivy-previous-line
678 0.39% vr/replace C-c r
674 0.39% windmove-right
666 0.38% scroll-up-command C-v, <kp-next>, <next>
642 0.37% keyboard-quit C-g
638 0.37% sp-backward-kill-word
637 0.37% exit-minibuffer
631 0.36% forward-char C-f
622 0.36% sp-delete-char
602 0.35% ivy-partial-or-done
558 0.32% kill-region C-w
537 0.31% sp-kill-word
513 0.30% delete-window C-x 0
508 0.29% counsel-find-file C-x C-f
501 0.29% windmove-down
482 0.28% dired-next-line
465 0.27% scroll-down-command <kp-prior>, <prior>, M-v
464 0.27% minibuffer-keyboard-quit
456 0.26% org-cycle <mouse-1>, <tab>, TAB, <menu-bar> <Tbl> <Next Field>, <menu-bar> <Org> <Show/Hide> <Cycle Visibility>
421 0.24% smex
359 0.21% split-window-right C-x 3, <menu-bar> <file> <new-window-on-right>
352 0.20% windmove-left
347 0.20% simpleclip-copy <C-insertchar>, <C-insert>, s-c, <menu-bar> <edit> <copy>
343 0.20% org-delete-backward-char DEL
301 0.17% split-window-below C-x 2, <menu-bar> <file> <new-window-below>
292 0.17% server-edit C-x #
272 0.16% mouse-set-region <drag-mouse-1>
252 0.15% windmove-up
248 0.14% previous-buffer <XF86Back>, C-x <C-left>, C-x <left>, <menu-bar> <buffer> <previous-buffer>
238 0.14% quoted-insert C-q
225 0.13% yaml-electric-dash-and-dot
220 0.13% Buffer-menu-delete
202 0.12% balance-windows C-x +
194 0.11% org-edit-src-save
192 0.11% other-frame s-`, C-x 5 o
182 0.10% simpleclip-cut <S-delete>, s-x, <menu-bar> <edit> <cut>
178 0.10% next-buffer <XF86Forward>, C-x <C-right>, C-x <right>, <menu-bar> <buffer> <next-buffer>
166 0.10% dired-previous-line
156 0.09% org-beginning-of-line C-a
142 0.08% isearch-delete-char
138 0.08% maximize-window
135 0.08% markdown-electric-backquote
129 0.07% avy-goto-line M-g g
125 0.07% dired-find-file
124 0.07% indent-for-tab-command
121 0.07% org-edit-special C-c ', <menu-bar> <Org> <Editing> <Edit Source Example>, <menu-bar> <Tbl> <Calculate> <Edit Formulas>
105 0.06% org-end-of-line C-e
101 0.06% capitalize-word M-c
100 0.06% org-edit-src-exit


I see a bunch of commands that I've replaced or recently switched to so I think I'll delete the file and see how Q1 2018 goes.