hugo is a fantastic static site generator. prettier is a fantastic auto-formatter with support for markdown and the codeblocks inside markdown. To get the two to work together, we'll need to install some node dependencies. (alternatively, you could build a container with these dependencies and run it with a volume as a pre-commit hook)
cd my-hugo-siteyarn inityarn add husky lint-staged prettier
Then add the following scripts
and lint-staged
keys to
your package.json.
{"scripts": {"precommit": "lint-staged"},"lint-staged": {"*.md": ["prettier --parser markdown --write","git add"]}}
That's it. Add a new markdown file and watch it be formatted!
After implementing this in a precommit hook and in my editor I no longer have to worry about any formatting issues when I'm writing, which is fantastic!
Now I see this when committing new posts:
➜ git commit -m 'formatting markdown in hugo'husky > npm run -s precommit (node v8.2.1)✔ Running tasks for *.md[hugo 046c937] formatting markdown in hugo1 file changed, 35 insertions(+)create mode 100644 content/post/