Ever since I wrote SEO Images with Unsplash I've been making images for my posts, pulling the branch down to my local computer, adding the image to the branch, editing the frontmatter to point to the image (always a png with the same name as the post file) and pushing it back up to merge.
This is kind of an annoying workflow to do every day, so I wanted to automate the finding and processing of the image files. If I automated it instead of placing it in the frontmatter, I could push the images up on master and merge the blog posts in later without having to pull them down. I handled the automation in this commit, which also merged the Getting Started with Emotion post (the first post to use the automatic featured image functionality.
The first change I needed to make was to generate the
field on my content nodes. I use MDX so the
resulting field will apply to MDX nodes in the
Gatsby node system.
Here is the code from the change I made that checks for
nodes with File
node parents. On these nodes it
checks for the existence of a file with the same name as the
node that has a .png
extension instead of a .mdx
extension. If the featured image file exists, we add a new
field called featuredImage
to the MDX node with the
absolute path to the image.
// gatsby-node.jsexports.onCreateNode = ({ node, actions, getNode }) => {const { createNodeField } = actions;if (node.internal.type === `Mdx`) {const { frontmatter } = node;const parent = getNode(node.parent);if (parent.internal.type === "File") {const ext = path.extname(parent.absolutePath);const featuredImage = parent.absolutePath.replace(ext,".png");if (fs.existsSync(featuredImage)) {createNodeField({name: `featuredImage`,node,value: featuredImage});}}}};
Now, that gives us a field on Mdx
nodes that can be
queried as such:
{mdx {fields {featuredImage}}}
The problem is that featuredImage
is an absolute path to a
png file and thus, is a string. We need to associate this
string with a File
node so that we can make interesting
queries through
the sharp transformer.
To do this, we can take advantage of a gatsby-config.js
key that I don't see used as often as other features:
To associate our field with the absolute path of the File
node we stick the path to our field in the mapping
as a key and the path to the corresponding field on the
nodes as the value. These strings are nodeType.path
so for Mdx
nodes, we want the fields.featuredImage
module.exports = {mapping: { "Mdx.fields.featuredImage": `File.absolutePath` },plugins: [...]}
This is the magic piece that lets us query File
for ImageSharp
export const query = graphql`query {allMdx(limit: 10) {edges {node {idexcerptfields {slugfeaturedImage {idchildImageSharp {fluid(maxWidth: 700) {...GatsbyImageSharpFluid}}}}}}}}`;
and now I can drop in a file without having to update the frontmatter for my blog posts and get a nice SEO image to use when I post on Twitter and query for more interesting images to use on the front page or blog post page template too.
Now that it all works, I can go back and simplify the code
that queries for images on the frontmatter and the
so that it just needs to look for
. I can do this by pulling the
processing back into the onCreateNode
lifecycle and
checking to see if there's a frontmatter.featuredImage