Yarn workspaces
are a great option for working on multiple packages at the
same time. They replaces npm link
, gives you the ability
to run a command in all packages (or a specific package),
and lets you install all dependencies for all packages at
the same time. Popular projects like
all use the yarn client or yarn workspaces fronted by
Lerna to ease the pain of
developing large sets of packages (even if they're not
For the purpose of this post, we'll define a multi-package repo as a monorepo with a focus on package-based development instead of allowing importing code as with relative paths. This difference means we focus on NPM packages as our unit of abstraction and when we use one package from another, we use it just as we would use any other package from NPM.
Yarn workspaces and Lerna are two approaches to developing multi-package repos. Lerna can be used with or without Yarn, but is usually much more performant if you use Yarn Workspaces as the underlying implementation for Lerna's interface. We'll dive into Lerna in another post and focus on using Yarn Workspaces standalone for this post.
An NPM package is defined by a package.json
. There are a
few fields that are required, such as the name
. Here's a sample package.json
{"name": "gatsby-mdx","version": "0.3.4","description": "mdx integration for gatsby","main": "index.js","license": "MIT","scripts": {"test": "jest"},"peerDependencies": {"@mdx-js/mdx": "^0.16.5","@mdx-js/tag": "^0.16.5"},"dependencies": {"@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread": "^7.0.0","debug": "^4.0.1","escape-string-regexp": "^1.0.5","fs-extra": "^7.0.0","gray-matter": "^4.0.1","lodash": "^4.17.10","mdast-util-to-string": "^1.0.4","mdast-util-toc": "^2.0.1","mime": "^2.3.1","pretty-bytes": "^5.1.0","remark": "^9.0.0","retext": "^5.0.0","slash": "^2.0.0","static-site-generator-webpack-plugin": "^3.4.2","strip-markdown": "^3.0.1","underscore.string": "^3.3.4","unist-util-map": "^1.0.4","unist-util-remove": "^1.0.1","unist-util-visit": "^1.4.0"},"devDependencies": {"jest": "^23.4.2","js-combinatorics": "^0.5.3"},"jest": {"testEnvironment": "node"},"keywords": ["gatsby","gatsby-plugin","gatsby-transformer-plugin","mdx","markdown","remark","rehype"]}
The file structure for a small NPM package with no build
process might look like this. That is, an index.js
containing the functionality of the module and a
defining dependencies, etc.
➜ tree ..├── index.js└── package.json
To handle multiple packages we'll put each of our packages
in a packages
directory in their own folder. We'll have
and package-b
with their own package.json
and their own index.js
. We haven't added a build process
at all so the code in index.js
will have to be manually
written for the runtime we expect to use it in (ex: the
browser or a specific node version).
➜ tree ..├── package.json└── packages├── package-a│ ├── index.js│ └── package.json└── package-b├── index.js└── package.json
Finally, we also create a package.json
at the root of our
workspaces. This defines where our workspaces live. We've
defined our workspaces as any package inside of the
folder, so package-a
and package.b
count. Note that our root package.json
is also private,
which is required to use workspaces. We don't want to
publish the entire repo as an NPM package anyway.
{"name": "workspaces","version": "0.0.1","main": "index.js","private": true,"author": "Chris Biscardi <chris@christopherbiscardi.com> (@chrisbiscardi)","license": "MIT","workspaces": ["packages/*"]}
So now that we have everything set up, we'll install all dependencies in all of our packages.
Running yarn
not only installs all dependencies for all
packages, but it also handles linking the packages between
each other if they depend on one another. For example, if
had package-b
in it's dependencies
in it's
, running yarn would link package-b
This linking means that we can, for example, continue to
develop package-b
and running tests in package-a
Whenever we make a change to package-b
, package-a
already knows about it so the tests will use it. Using this
linking is very powerful for developing sets of
interdependent packages because we can run tests for the
entire repo against the entire set of changes. Speaking of,
we can run the test
script in every workspace with
yarn workspaces run test
This requires that we have a script named test
in each of
our packages. If we set each of our packages test
to echo the package name like:
{"scripts": {"test": "echo package-a"}}
Then the output for yarn workspaces run test
would look
➜ yarn workspaces run testyarn workspaces v1.12.3yarn run v1.12.3$ echo package-apackage-a✨ Done in 0.08s.yarn run v1.12.3$ echo package-bpackage-b✨ Done in 0.08s.✨ Done in 0.92s.
We can also target individual packages with the
yarn workspace
➜ yarn workspace package-a testyarn workspace v1.12.3yarn run v1.12.3$ echo package-apackage-a✨ Done in 0.07s.✨ Done in 0.48s.
We can publish each package to the NPM registry individually and use them in other projects or we can also not publish anything and continue using this multi-package repo for all of our package development. Since most NPM projects qualify as NPM packages, we can stick entire applications and other UI surfaces in our multi-package repo, linking our entire package ecosystem (components, sharable logic, custom packages, etc) in when building.
This does leave a lot of area to explore such as publishing, setting up build steps, installing global tools in the root vs installing them in individual packages. Hopefully the next time you see a yarn workspaces powered repo, you'll understand how to get started, where to find packages, and how to run scripts for the package you care about.