70 %
Chris Biscardi

Styles and Naming

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

-- Phil Karlton

Phil Karlton (and many people after) said that one of the hardest problems in computer science is naming things. This is unfortunate for us because it means that building a design system is a hard problem before we even get to any of the underlying design and technology issues. This is because design systems define the language we use to communicate across boundaries (organizational or otherwise).

Design tools make it easy to refer to specific pieces of our visual user interfaces because they are typically manual-labor driven. Each layer, symbol, or object is given a handcrafted name. We can name what we want and leave parts that don't need names, nameless. "Untitled Path 4" is arguably a great name for something that doesn't come up in conversation often while "Button" is a great name for the conventional Button component being shipped as part of a symbol library.


Using component driven models for the technical implementations of our components allows us to take a similar approach. On the web we can use the primitives given to us by the platform (div, span, section, etc) when we have no use for a system-level name and we can give names to more complex components, such as "Tooltip", "Pagination", or "DangerZone". This ability to name (and importantly, not name) components is built into component driven libraries such as React.

export default class Tooltip extends React.Component { ... }
export const Pagination = props => (...)

Especially when it comes to CSS, we run into problems quickly because classnames are the base primitive of CSS APIs. This means that that historically CSS has forced us to over-index on creating names for everything, even those objects that we shouldn't name. We've tried to solve these problems through manual approaches like [Block Element Modifier (BEM)], mirroring the hand-crafted approach our design tools use. The problem with approaches like BEM is that we have no way to leave objects unnamed. BEM, and approaches like it, represent a local maximum for how we use CSS. Until we get away from the requirement to name everything we will be stuck with the problems naming everything leaves us with. Consider the following real-world example from Bootstrap, a popular library that offers a CSS API.

<nav aria-label="Pagination Example">
<ul class="pagination pagination-lg">
<li class="page-item disabled">
<a class="page-link" href="#" aria-label="previous">
<span aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span>
<span class="sr-only">Previous</span>
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="#">1</a>
<li class="page-item active">
<a class="page-link" href="#"
>2 <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="#">3</a>
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="#" aria-label="next">
<span aria-hidden="true">&raquo;</span>
<span class="sr-only">Next</span>

As it turns out, CSS is too low level to accurately reflect the language we use to talk about the components of our system. When given a pure CSS API we have to compose the various pieces together ourselves. There is no way to check (besides reading the documentation) that the way we've used the classes and written the markup is supported. There's also confusion caused by the fact that we name every element. Do we really need a name for page-link? We already reference the object using page-item and we know it's a link because we're using an anchor tag. We're also manually specifying accessibility concerns which opens up the potential to break accessibility accidentally if you don't know when to use aria labels. What does it mean for a page item to be disabled? Can the entire pagination component be disabled? How do we evolve our CSS API if we can't make guarantees about how consumers are using it?

A higher level of abstraction

At this point we've touched on a few of the naming issues relating to how we build and implement our language's styles. Now we'll look to what different abstractions can bring us to solve some of them. Remember that we're using specific technologies to talk about general problems so the same approach to abstracting can be useful whether your platform's styling primitives are CSS or something else.

A CSS style sheet (yes, you read that correctly. A Cascading Style Sheets style sheet) is an abstract concept that represents a style sheet as defined by the CSS specification. The CSS Object Model (CSSOM) defines a set of parsing and serialization rules for Media Queries, Selectors, and CSS itself (CSS itself is a spec composed of multiple specs). Using these built-in platform APIs we can build a higher level abstraction that allows us to solve the naming issues we've discussed previously.

When to name components

Components can be thought of in levels of sophistication. As you ascend higher in the chain, the component is more re-usable but also takes more effort to maintain. The list, from lowest to highest is:

  1. divs, one-off styles, inline overrides, etc
  2. (private) sub-components
  3. (public) sub-components (components that get too complex for a single file, thus are nested under in a directory. routes.)
  4. A project's components/ folder ("Named objects local to this project")
  5. Design system component library
    • Can have it's own stages of acceptance, support, and usage suggestions.
    • is accompanied by additional requirements (documentation, design artifacts, tests, etc)

Introducing Emotion

Emotion is a library that introduces a new set of APIs for the creation, composition, and naming of styles on top of the platform's CSS APIs. We'll explore the usage of these APIs from a component oriented perspective from the least nameable objects to the most depended on components of our language. Although we'll be talking about emotion in the context of React, the library can be used without React and integrating with other component abstractions as well.

The div who shall not be named

Every product has a need for soup. Soup is a shorthand for the one off styles, that extra div you need to work around a platform issue, or glue that binds two slightly-incompatible abstractions together. Soup, perhaps more than any other level, needs to be written in a way that is easy to delete because there are two basic evolutionary paths for soup.

  1. To be extended indefinitely
  2. To be continuously deleted and rewritten many times as requirements evolve

The option we want to enable people to choose is option 2. Option 1 is the state of much CSS (and other code) in the world. The styles written for soup are often bad offenders of being hard to understand messes of code and because soup is often the glue between abstractions, bad abstractions cause compoundingly worse soup. Some of the reasons people extend indefinitely are

  • The code behaves non-deterministically so making the smallest possible change is desired so as to not upset the balance
  • Copy/pasted code has been removed from it's original context and the product is complicated enough to work with that not all code paths can be tested (so we don't want to delete the code in question so as to not accidentally break something)
  • It's hard to delete code that isn't co-located. Often CSS is written in separate files, processed by a compiler, and mangled to the point where it can be hard to locate which CSS in which files and what combinations can affect the rendering behavior of the part of the page you're interested in.

All of these reasons have something in common: They have large components of fear driving behavior (often the fear of breaking production). To be successful at taking Option 2, we need to remove the fear that deleting a line of code might break something completely unrelated.

Deleting and rewriting code also allows you to come at it with fresh perspective for potential new abstractions, so we want to be able to easily take the soup and bring it up into the next level on the component hierarchy as a sub-component.

The CSS prop

Emotion provides an API for creating soup that co-locates the styles with the rendering path and allows access to theming (more on theming later). This API is called the CSS prop and we can use it in combination with another core feature, the css tagged template literal. Let's start with a small example: Overriding the color of a paragraph to give it more emphasis on the page. We really like pink, so we'll use hotpink to highlight this section of text.

const MyContent = () => (
<p>Some blog post where I am writing about things!</p>
color: hotpink;
Making this paragraph stand out with color
<p>Some more content after the callout</p>

Notice how we've co-located one-off styles in a way that allows us to easily delete the styles with the paragraph that uses them. It's very clear that none of the other paragraphs use this styling, so we don't need to worry about tracking down other usage of it. Using the CSS Prop API, we don't need to give a name to this one paragraph that happens to have a different color but is otherwise exactly the same as every other paragraph.

Looking at a larger example, we can take the pagination code from earlier and use the CSS Prop to remove names from objects that don't need them. Our first abstraction is going to be at the page-item level, so we'll create a PageItem component for our markup to live in.

cont PageItem = ({ children }) => (
<li className="page-item">
<a className="page-link" href="#">{children}</a>

Converting this to use the CSS Prop allows us to remove the global nature of page-link. It no longer references a classname that could exist anywhere in our codebase and thus we've removed the ability for unexpected results when we render this component.

note: & is the "self" selector, so &:hover is saying "when this component is hovered".

import { css } from "@emotion/core";
const PageItem = ({ children }) => (
<li className="page-item">
position: relative;
display: block;
&:hover {
z-index: 2;

Unnamed by default

The default options are perhaps one of the strongest levers we have when building new products, tools, and even interacting with people day to day. Most people end up taking the default path with few opting out. Knowing that we have an incredible amount of power to determine what the majority of people will do means that we have a responsibility to make the best option, the easy option.

When applying that to CSS, that means we need to change the default from naming everything to making naming opt-in. By default, objects in our system should be unnamed. When the abstractions we use rise to the level of reusable components we should have an easy path from soup to a more structured approach with named objects. Emotion's css tagged template literal is unnamed by default, you can not get a classname from it without additional effort (admittedly the effort is small, but once again defaults are overwhelmingly followed). Being unnamed by default means we can use the css prop and tagged template literal to elevate to named object only that which has been reused multiple times.

Working with sub-components

Now that we've seen how to create soup let's take a look at how we can move one level up the chain and start creating sub-components. Sub-components are named components that compose together to create a larger component or system of components.

Let's say we wanted to lay out application out in a classic sidebar/content area structure like this:

| s | |
| i | |
| d | |
| e | content |
| b | |
| a | |
| r | |

We could set up our app's layout in a component using the css prop as such:

import { css } from "@emotion/core";
const AppLayout = ({ sidebar, children }) => (
max-width: 960px;
margin: auto;
display: flex;
flex: 1;
flex: 3;

This can be fine in the case that we have a single app and a single layout (for example, we could use this component to build a Gatsby page layout using wrapPageElement APIs). In this case, it can still be beneficial to name the components in our layout for clarity. We could call them SidebarArea and ContentArea to denote that we've allocated this space to the sidebar navigation and the content respectively.

import { css } from "@emotion/core";
const SidebarArea = ({ children, ...props }) => (
flex: 1;
const ContentArea = ({ children, ...props }) => (
flex: 3;
const AppLayout = ({ sidebar, children }) => (
max-width: 960px;
margin: auto;
display: flex;

This approach documents that we have some infrastructure dedicated to providing an area for each section of the page. It also allows us to not name the containing div, which would likely have an equally generic name such as Container right now. Renaming div as Container may or may not yield benefits depending on how we evolve over time. We could, for example, have a MarketingSiteContainer and an ApplicationContainer in the future and in the interest of avoiding premature abstraction, we've chosen to not name it yet.


In our pagination example, let's say we wanted to mirror Bootstrap's API specifically because we weren't just building a pagination component, but we were trying to build a "bootstrap in React" library that stayed as true to the original as possible. We could create two components to mirror the page-item and page-link nomenclature.

import { css } from "@emotion/core";
const PageItem = ({ children, ...props }) => (
&:first-child {
const PageLink = ({ children, ...props }) => (
position: relative;
display: block;
&:hover {
z-index: 2;

We would then use these in place of the original elements

import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
<nav aria-label="Pagination Example">
<ul className="pagination pagination-lg">
<PageItem disabled>
<PageLink href="#" aria-label="previous">
<span aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span>
<span className="sr-only">Previous</span>
<PageLink href="#">1</PageLink>
<PageItem active>
<PageLink href="#">
2 <span className="sr-only">(current)</span>
<PageLink href="#">3</PageLink>
<PageLink href="#" aria-label="next">
<span aria-hidden="true">&raquo;</span>
<span className="sr-only">Next</span>

Something interesting we've done here is that we have a few props being passed in to our PageItem component (specifically active and disabled). If we go back to our component definition, we can use these props to change the way we style the component. In this example we're choosing to show a different style of cursor based on whether the pagination item is disabled or not.

const PageItem = ({ children, disabled, ...props }) => (
cursor: ${disabled ? "auto" : "pointer"};
&:first-child {

We are now progressively evolving our system into one that we can talk about at a high level. We'll talk more about creating component APIs and composing styles later. For now just know that it's possible to access props and change how a component styles itself based on those props.

Public and Private Sub-components

The biggest difference between public and private sub-components is where they're located relative to the components that use them. A private sub-component is a styled-component in the same file as the component that uses it. This sub-component is not exported, but is named and abstracted out of the core component. This is useful to do when components start to get more complicated but aren't ready to be fully abstracted into their own files.

For our pagination example, it's likely that PageItem, PageLink and Pagination are all going to be used by the consumer, so we'd want them to be public. Imagine a directory structure that has the component name as the folder name, with each sub-component broken out into its own file.

➜ tree pagination
├── index.js
├── page-item.js
└── page-link.js
0 directories, 3 files

We can use this structure to indicate that Pagination uses page-item and page-link as sub-components in the rendering tree. We've structured our filesystem in the same way the React DevTools will show them in the DOM, making them easier to find.

The index.js file could look like this.

export { default as PageItem } from "./page-item";
export { default as PageLink } from "./page-link";
export default styled.ul`
display: flex;

and be used in the same way as before:

import Pagination, {
} from "./pagination";
const MyThing = () => (
<Pagination size="large">
<PageItem disabled>
<PageLink href="#" aria-label="previous">
<span aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span>
<span className="sr-only">Previous</span>

A Project's Component's Folder

Our Pagination components have been in the codebase a bit now and are starting to see some usage outside of the original file we built them for. It's time to pull it out into our local components folder. A local components folder is like a staging ground for the design system. Many components won't make it to this level, and even less will make it out of the components folder into the design system.

Our sub-components are likely officially public at this point and we have to start thinking about how people are going to use the components together. If we've followed Option 2, (deleting and rewriting code), it's likely that we can simply move the pagination folder to our components folder, rename some imports and call it a day. We may also want to take this opportunity to rethink some of the easier API changes if we're noticed friction as the component gets wider use outside of the original context.

Bringing it all together: A Design System Component

Now our Pagination component doesn't just have wide usage in our application, but other products and sites need pagination as well. We have to move it out of our project into a more globally accessible place.

Assuming that we already have a multi-package repo set up so that we have a place to put our design system components we now start thinking harder about the way this component will impact the language (and thus, every product it touches). It's time to do a rethink of the core Pagination API.

Thinking in components

When building components to be reusable we can take roughly two approaches

  1. Extensible
  2. Locked Down

Extensible components often come in groups that can be replaced without additional core API changes. An Icon component, for example, can be written to take an svg as an argument, allowing a very light weight process for adding an icon that may be only useful in a single location.

import { House } from "../house.svg";
import Icon from "our-icon";
<Icon svg={House} />;

Alternatively, we could lock down the Icon API by making it possible to only specify the name of a pre-allocated set of icons. This provides a conceptually simpler API and also means that the users of this component have to engage in a heavier weight process to introduce new icons.

import Icon from "our-icon";
<Icon name="house" />;

The tradeoffs in these approaches are in how many people you need to maintain the core libraries and in the failure modes you choose (When the user of my component finds themselves in a situation the component doesn't work for, do they override the component or do they fork the component).

Pagination Components

With some API focus in mind let's take a look at the output of our pagination. It has looked something like this from the beginning:

<nav aria-label="Pagination Example">
<ul class="pagination pagination-lg">
<li class="page-item disabled">
<a class="page-link" href="#" aria-label="previous">
<span aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span>
<span class="sr-only">Previous</span>
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="#">1</a>
<li class="page-item active">
<a class="page-link" href="#"
>2 <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="#">3</a>
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" href="#" aria-label="next">
<span aria-hidden="true">&raquo;</span>
<span class="sr-only">Next</span>

One of the first abstractions we can start to notice are blocks of elements behaving as a single unit, such as the <li> always wrapping an <a> tag while the <a> tag can have a variety of content. The <li> and the <a> are acting as a single unit in this case, so let's call that unit Item.

The <nav> and <ul> tags are also used as a single unit. Our pagination is always going to be considered a naviation element, so we can bundle them together too. We'll use Pagination for this.

Finally, we have the option of encapsulating the previous and next buttons as logic in our pagination component itself, which leads us to another interesting question. Do we need to expose the Item component at all?


We'll start with the Pagination component. It's two elements combined so we'll avoid using a styled component here and because neither of the sub-elements need to be named (because we're naming the block), we'll use the css Prop.

export default ({ label, ...props }) => (
<nav aria-label={label}>
display: flex;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

Notice that since we still have the open question of whether we need the Item component exposed to the user or not, we use children to pass through anything the user decides they need.


The other variation we need to account for is the size. When looking at the bootstrap code for different sizes, there's a mixin used to define larger and smaller sizes, while the default size is left implicit.

.pagination-lg {
@include pagination-size(
.pagination-sm {
@include pagination-size(

The mixin is defined as a collection of other mixins and some variables.

@mixin pagination-size(
) {
.page-link {
padding: $padding-y $padding-x;
font-size: $font-size;
line-height: $line-height;
.page-item {
&:first-child {
.page-link {
@include border-left-radius($border-radius);
&:last-child {
.page-link {
@include border-right-radius($border-radius);

It is interesting to note that the mixin applies no styles to the Pagination elements, but rather overrides the sub-elements page-link and page-item. To make use of these styles, we'll co-locate them with their respective components. This has the additional benefit that the individual sub-components contain all the logic needed to render themselves in every variation they need to be rendered in, which makes it easier to test, modify, and use.

We still need to allow users to specify the size on the Pagination component though, since it's a global API that applies to all direct sub-components. We can modify the children prop we're using to inject our size prop by mapping over the children and cloning the elements. (note: We use React.Children.map because it has some special handling for React children types).

export default ({ label, size, ...props }) => (
<nav aria-label={label}>
display: flex;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
{React.Children.map(children, child =>
React.cloneElement(child, { size, ...child.props })

The positioning of size that we've chosen is interesting because it establishes an order of precedence for how the size prop will apply. In this case, it means that children can override the Pagination component's size prop. This is another example of choosing extensibility vs locking down APIs. Passing the prop down to children also allows us to define an explicit contract that others (or ourselves, if we don't expose the individual pieces) could implement to extend the API and create different types of pagination sub-components.


Item is our next component. It's also a combination of two elements so we'll take the same approach and use the CSS Prop.

If we look at the CSS for page-item, we see that it's really only applying styles conditionally to the page-link. Since we aren't relying on a pure CSS API anymore, we don't need to use approaches that reach into other objects as often and can move the styles into the anchor itself. This co-location of the variants of a particular element means that we have fewer places to look when trying to figure out why a particular element is rendering a particular way. This means we can work faster, with more confidence, and most importantly delete without fear.

.page-item {
&:first-child {
.page-link {
margin-left: 0;
@include border-left-radius($border-radius);
&:last-child {
.page-link {
@include border-right-radius($border-radius);
&.active .page-link {
z-index: 1;
color: $pagination-active-color;
background-color: $pagination-active-bg;
border-color: $pagination-active-border-color;
&.disabled .page-link {
color: $pagination-disabled-color;
pointer-events: none;
// Opinionated: remove the "hand" cursor set previously for .page-link
cursor: auto;
background-color: $pagination-disabled-bg;
border-color: $pagination-disabled-border-color;

From the html output we've been looking at and the SASS code, we can consolidate the list of variations we're going to need to support.

  • First item
  • Last item
  • Disabled
  • Active
  • hover
  • focus


  • disabled and active can not happen at the same time. disabled always wins if both are applied.
  • hover applies differently based on whether active or disabled are applied.
  • focus is independent of anything
  • There are styles that apply only to the first or last Item

The bootstrap classnames API is well coded in that is makes overlapping states apply consistently (.disabled always takes precedence over .active regardless of the classname application order). We can do better in our component API because we have richer data structures to work with, so let's focus on making illegal states unrepresentable.

We can represent the possible options for props with a pseudocode object like this:

type Props = {
is: IsVariants,
position: PosVariants
type IsVariants = DISABLED | ACTIVE;
type PosVariants = FIRST | MIDDLE | LAST;

focus and hover states could be included in the prop API for documentation reasons (to force the rendering of the Item component in a specific state), but we'll leave them to just CSS for now.

A basic abstraction could look like this:

const Item = ({ children, is, position, href = "#" }) => (
<a href={href}>{children}</a>

The SASS code from Bootstrap uses a bunch of variables to define the visual aspects of the pagination component and some interaction behaviors (hover, focus, etc).

.page-link {
position: relative;
display: block;
padding: $pagination-padding-y $pagination-padding-x;
margin-left: -$pagination-border-width;
line-height: $pagination-line-height;
color: $pagination-color;
background-color: $pagination-bg;
border: $pagination-border-width solid
&:hover {
z-index: 2;
color: $pagination-hover-color;
text-decoration: none;
background-color: $pagination-hover-bg;
border-color: $pagination-hover-border-color;
&:focus {
z-index: 2;
outline: $pagination-focus-outline;
box-shadow: $pagination-focus-box-shadow;
// Opinionated: add "hand" cursor to non-disabled .page-link elements
&:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
cursor: pointer;

To avoid losing this ability to define different sizes and colors, we'll take a simple pass as using theming to preserve the variables.

const Item = ({ children, is, position, href = "#" }) => (
css={({ pagination }) => css`
position: relative;
display: block;
padding: ${pagination.paddingY}
margin-left: ${-pagination.borderWidth};
line-height: ${pagination.lineHeight};
color: ${pagination.color};
background-color: ${pagination.bg};
border: ${pagination.borderWidth} solid
&:hover {
z-index: 2;
color: ${pagination.hoverColor};
text-decoration: none;
background-color: ${pagination.hoverBg};
border-color: ${pagination.hoverBorderColor};
&:focus {
z-index: 2;
outline: ${pagination.focusOutline};
box-shadow: ${pagination.focusBoxShadow};
// Opinionated: add "hand" cursor to non-disabled .page-link elements
&:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
cursor: pointer;

The full list of theming variables from all of the SASS looks something like this. note: these have been calculated by following the trail of SASS variables through multiple layers. If we were building an entire library based on Bootstrap we could include those extra variables here as well.

const theme = {
pagination: {
activeBg: "#007bff",
activeBorderColor: "#007bff",
activeColor: "#fff",
bg: "#fff",
borderColor: "#dee2e6",
borderRadius: ".25rem",
borderRadiusLg: ".3rem",
borderRadiusSm: ".2rem",
borderWidth: TODO,
color: "#007bff ",
disabledBg: "#fff",
disabledBorderColor: "#dee2e6",
disabledColor: "#6c757d",
focusBoxShadow: "0 0 0 0.2rem ",
focusOutline: 0,
fontSize: "1rem",
fontSizeLg: "1.25rem",
fontSizeSm: "0.875rem",
hoverBg: "#e9ecef",
hoverBorderColor: "#dee2e6",
hoverColor: "rgba(0,123,255, 0.25)",
lineHeight: "1.25",
lineHeightLg: "1.5",
lineHeightSm: "1.5",
paddingX: ".75rem",
paddingXLg: "1.5rem",
paddingXSm: ".5rem",
paddingY: "5rem",
paddingYLg: ".75rem",
paddingYSm: ".25rem"

Not Really the End

From here on out we can take our Pagination components and continue to generalize them until we get to a tested, documented, re-usable component. We can use abstractions that return different styles for sizes, position in a list, and more:

const positionStyles = ({ position }) => {
switch (position) {
case "first":
return css``;
case "last":
return css``;
return css``;
const isStyles = ({ is }) => {
switch (is) {
case "disabled":
return css``;
case "active":
return css``;
return css``;

The point of this post is to rethink the defaults that we use to construct UI. We should not name everything by default, choosing only to give names when there is meaning to communicate. I also want to introduce you to the idea that the css prop allows us to execute on all of the levels of our design system components, from scratchy one-offs up to fully re-usable components that are part of a public library. We can even give names to styles that matter with the css template literal or by using composable objects.