A Cognito UserPoolClient
is an AWS construct that you can use to create an application that can call signup, login, etc for your user pool. You would use this to be able to sign up from an Android app, a serverside application, or a webapp.
Here is an example Serverless Framework UserPoolClient
UserPoolClient:Type: "AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient"Properties:ClientName: my-user-pool-clientUserPoolId:Ref: UserPoolExplicitAuthFlows:- ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTHGenerateSecret: falseAllowedOAuthFlows:- implicitAllowedOAuthScopes:- phone- openidSupportedIdentityProviders:- COGNITOCallbackURLs:- http://localhost:3000/callbackDefaultRedirectURI: http://localhost:3000/callback