Going to talk with stories from my own past so that you have more context into why I'm saying what I'm saying. Starting around 2010 up til now.
node.js, commonjs, ES2015 (modules defined here)
modules are kinda supported. commonjs still reigns supreme
ESModules, import by URL, Browser support, HTTP2/3
Basic Script Concatenation
Bundler-basic script concatenation and
ESModules, Snowpack
Running servers somewhere
CRDTs, Offline-first,
var Books = Backbone.Collection.extend({url: '/books'});
GraphQL, serverless
GraphQL subscriptions, serverless at edge
The path to meta-frameworks and future.
React, 2013/4. Browserify, Webpack
We've gone from setting up Gulp pipelines, to manually writing babel and webpack config, to standardizing create-react-app, to higher level frameworks like Gatsby and Next. What's comes after that?* [true] incremental builds: How do we compile small pieces of application and ship less JS? Should we?* content mesh abstractions (onegraph, gatsby, etc)* serverless functions* spinning up databases, faster.